Water Softner Tap for Kitchen & Bathroom

Samurai Purifier And Appliances Pvt Ltd
Country Origin 'Not specified'

Water Softner Tap for Kitchen & Bathroom

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Water Softner Tap for Kitchen & Bathroom - 1Piece

Home & Kitchen

Details 1. It can remove: rusts, parasites, contaminants, worms, residual chlorine, algae, heavy metal ions, dirt, organic pollutants. 2. It is used to purify the water, Filtered water will come out slowly as filtration process will take time like regular filters. 3. HEALTHY, GREAT TASTING WATER - Advanced activated carbon filter technology removes 80+ contaminants such as Microplastics, Chlorine, Lead and TTHMs, as well as any unwanted taste or odour. Easily switch between unfiltered and filtered water from your tap (for cooking, drinking, preparing coffee and tea, drinking water for pets, rinsing fruit and vegetables, etc). 4. SUSTAINABLE - Filter cartridges are PLA-based. Reduce plastic waste in oceans and landfills. 5. Warning: Please remove plastic from filter, and read user manual or how to us water faucet before use, also you can search on you tube "how to use water faucet”